The "X" makes it sound cool

Aaron Cowdery @Chakra-X

Age 34, Male

College Student



Joined on 7/2/03

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Nazo Unleashed FAQ Part 2

Posted by Chakra-X - September 15th, 2007

First let me thank all who enjoyed and respected my movie. I read every review, but I do no reply to all because I think saying "Much Thanks!" for each review is a tad redundant. I've got many similar questions and comments, and I really hope people turn to this FAQ before sending me a PM.

What is the title of that music score?

The entire soundtrack is listed in the credits in order.

Where can I download the music?

http://www.soahcity.com/music/index.ph p
Most of the music comes from "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG" (Next-Gen) and Sonic Adventure 2.

Where can I get those Sonic voices?

The archive where I originally got all the voices seems to be permanently down. However, I have compiled a n abridged "Starter Pack" of sounds. It's not all of them, but I'll get the job done. Lines that I personally edited for my movie are not included (Super Sonic's Yell, Knuckles saying 'bastard', etc).

http://rapidshare.com/files/56395798/S onic_Starter_Voices.zip

Where can I get those DBZ sounds?

http://rapidshare.com/files/70022596/D BZ_Sounds.zip

http://esf-world.gamers-desire.de/22/S ounds_and_Soundpacks.html

(download the mod for the main soundpack)

I saw the secret ending. Will you be making a sequel?

No. I am done with large scaled Sonic movies for now. I want to make something more original, with human characters that I can call my own. I may make a drawing or two depicting what would have happened, but no flash.

Since you're done your movie, mind making one for me/helping me with one?

No, I'm sorry I can't. Not only will I not have time to meet your deadline because of school, I want a break from flash labor. Also, I really do not like working on a flash that is someone else's idea. I prefer to make what I want to make, and at my own pace, by myself.

Was that Mario and Luigi holding up rings?!

Haha, yep. In this order: Mario, Luigi, Blaze, and Silver.

Regarding Fan Characters

I don't have a problem with people telling me about their fan characters. I guess I act as a creativity outlet that is just compressed in their imaginations :D. But, I suggest moving away from Sonic fan characters if you plan on making a movie/comic/fanfiction about him/her. Don't try to build an in-depth character for an already existing franchise.

Yes, I suppose Nazo is a bit of a fan character, but I took an unknown (but official) image and used that as my foundation to make a temporary villain. People come and tell me about these Super forms and new forms of emeralds, but if you are going to stray that far from the Sonic universe, why not make your own?

You ripped off/referenced DBZ

In the disclaimers it states that the movie ranges from "slight to heavy" DBZ influences. If you saw that, it shouldn't be a problem, or else you would have close the window.

What annoys me, is that people think certain techniques should only stick to DBZ. The thing with Sonic and Dragonball Z, is that they are NATURALLY similar. Sonic just spin dash anymore, and no one wants a movie like that. DBZ did fusion, ok. So. Should only DBZ do fusion? Should only DBZ shoot gigantic energy beams? Why? The Matrix isn't the only movie that does bullet time.

The story to Nazo Unleashed was not based on Dragonball Z. As I stated before, the "negative energy over time manifesting into Nazo" idea was formed way back in th planning stages of "The Power of Nazo", right before I saw the Evil Dragon Saga of Dragonball GT. Perhaps I am confabulating and I WAS inspired by GT. Let's say I DID get the idea from DB GT So? Who cares? Doesn't it make sense that the negative energy build up in the Chaos Emeralds would do something horrible? I got the "negative energy" thing from Sonic Adventure anyway.

The "Ball v.s Beam" struggle was originally planned for the "Power of Nazo", before I saw "Broly the 2nd coming". However, when I did that scene in part 3, I did use that that DBZ movie for tips. I believe I am one of the few to actually have someone PUNCH someone into an energy beam.

The fighting style in within context of the Sonic universe. I bet even the energy blasts could be done (Chaos Spear anyone?). Sonic and DBZ go well together. Deal with it. It's not Dragonball Z with Sonic characters. It's just reminiscent of the fighting style.

You traced/copied the whole movie.

This is just ridiculous. I draw Sonic the way I draw Sonic. Not like the Sonic X (though I like their style of shading). Sonic X tries to look like the official art, and so do I. I'm pretty sure there are bound to be similarities.

To think that I found enough images, to not only cover 24k frames, but to animate the more original characters such as Perfect/Hyper Nazo and Shadic, is completely irrational and unfounded.

Here is a list of pictures and animations I DID copy though.

Nazo Unleashed Part 1:


Nazo Unleashed Part 2:

I took an animation from the Sonic X intro with Super Sonic and Super Shadow fighting, and drew over it with Super Sonic and Nazo

When Nazo blocks Super Sonic's kick to hit him in the gut was from a Dragonball Z clip.

The majority of Super Shadow's melee scenes were drawn over 2 Dragonball Z clips. Though I copied the choreography rather than the art.

Nazo Unleashed Part 3:

The wave animation when Nazo transforms was traced from a DBZ clip.

E-123 Omega was traced from a 3D picture


You are wrong if you think it's "Hyper Shadow". There is no opinion. There is no "you think what you think, I think what I think", no, there is only one name. Why is this so important? Not only is is a misnomer, but it's factually incorrect.

"Hyper" and "Super" are too different forms. "Super" comes from the Chaos Emeralds, "Hyper" comes from the Super Emeralds (except for Tails, who is Super Tails). Super Sonic and Super Shadow call their forms "SUPER forms". Why would Shadow be "Hyper Shadow" when he refers to his form as a "Super Form". Why would his name be different form Super Sonic, Super Silver, and Super Tails? Because he's a slightly different color? No.

The ONLY instances of "Hyper Shadow" were in cheat/tips sites. You know. The same sites that just copy what the other has I mean, they said if you unlocked all emblems in Sonic Adventure 2, you could play as any character you want (including Super Sonic and Super Shadow) in any stage.

What in the world gave you the idea of "Hyper Shadow"?

My movie uses SUPER Tails, not TURBO Tails

My movie is based around the games. When Tails transformed, he is "Super Tails", from Sonic 3 and Knuckles. It even says "Super Tails" when you get all of the Super Emeralds.

"Turbo Tails" is ONLY found in the comics, which my movie is not based on. He has a cape and what not, which I think is weird.

Hopefully that handled all your queries.


do you create these sonic movies for school? if your able to make this stuff and still do well in school you must be a genius

I make other flashes for school, but these Sonic flashes are for my benefit through Newgrounds/the internet.

Though I have had special screenings of "Nazo Unleashed" at my school.

i have no problem with anything you said, but I just wanna say YOU ROCK! Those movies were the best (well, I may be exaggerating a bit) flash movies I have seen on this site so far! (Note: SO FAR) Anyway, I was hoping that maybe you could check out some of my music and see if u wanna use it. Just asking. MetroidMan, END TRANSMISSION /O_o

hi. you dont have to do this but if you have the time could you draw a pic of normal shadic fron the front and the same with super shadic if possible(i think we hav seen enough of hyper shadic lol).

one question chakra-X, when knuckles transformed into super knuckles,wasent he supposed to be hyper knuckles. If i'm correct from sonic and knuckles when you get all the choas emeralds he turns into super knuckles. But in sonic 3 and knuckles when u get the super emeralds he turn into hyper knuckles. They look the same but hyper knuckles has the thing where u see his body look like hyper sonics when he is running.

Oh Knuckles was Hyper Knuckles. Remember when he went to punch Nazo? You could see afterimages behind Knuckles, showing that he was in his Hyper form.

You are right about the DBZ thing. I've been trying to get the same thing through everyone else too. Also, sonic thought of the beams and stuff, but DragonballZ was made before they could do it, so now everyone thinks the SEGA team are trying to ripoff DBZ. They should get the message one day, eh?

Haha, so now that your done with the trilogy (friggin awsome by the way) after your break and such when will you start making mini flashes for us? :D

I agree with what u say, especially the dbz, really why should viewers care about if its mixed to dbz and u stated it in ur disclaimers anyways lol. anyways great series great fight, blah blhablah. If i heard right ur taking a break, and in my opinion a well deserved one.
1 question: in nazo 3, when shadic use light speed attack, punches nazo, and chases him by speeding off on a mountain and then bouncing off, did u get that from the sonic next gen game????? cuz it really looked like the sonic's speed courses where he was jumping off stuff like mountains.
(Shadic light speed attack was my favorite part, awsome camera view :)

My favorite scene :D

Yes, that mountain-to-mountain scene was directly referenced from Sonic Next-Gen.

how long did it take you to draw like that

Well I've been drawing sonic since I was 5, but I started trying to get better around 6th grade, so about 4-5 years? It's probably faster if you focus more and have better drawing skills. If I just started drawing Sonic right now, It'd probably take me a year tops to get as good as I am now.

dude, all your sonic nazo flashes were awsome. i watched them all like three times.

Ur Nazo unleashed series were awesome simply awesome, i really loved hyper shadic doing that punch in that weird light thingy simply cool, and yes DBZ created intense action somewhat y not use it? i bet akira toriyam would be proud to see people using his fighting style even after his death =/, o well i have a story developin and it includes DBZ references too like come one DBZ is the best thing eva hehehe XD

Well leaving fan talk behind, how much patience u must of have to draw the whole thing with line tool! making a line and then using mouse to curve em in the correct way that just respectable, im planing to use more simbols for my fighting, but still how did u manage to draw all that just with the line tool?

Well have a good rest from flash and make a come back with sumthing good, ive just started in the flash bussness so i got a long way to go but i wont give up >=P one day i might make sumthing that matches ur work!!

Well Gratz and err yeah see ya hehehe =P

Thanks! But, Akira Toriyama isn't dead, check wikipedia if you need reassurances.

And I used the "Pencil Tool" to draw, not the line tool. I also have a pen tablet which lets me draw directly into the computer. And as for your beginning talent, good luck!

umm i guess he is alive... i shall stop relying that much on that "friend"... and yeah i know tablets, i got one myself but can use it cuz the dog ate the pen *sob* and its 70$ for a replacement T.T

anyways mind if i add ya on AIM? its nice for artists to share points of views sumtimes and i got an useful flash tool that might help ya in the future, the Vcam =P. i totally understand if u refuse my offer i know how busy people are when they release a "hit". well anyways thx for reasuring me about akira toriyama.

No problem, you can add me

Hey Charka-X your so good in making these Sonic: Nazo Unleashed flashes and your so cool!
you deserve a very big brake from your hard work alright.

Hey Chakra-X when Shadic was born and he introduced his name what version of Live & Learn song was that? And where did you get it?

Hope you reply to my comment!

Oh snap where did I getthat...Well you can try typing "Shadow of a Hedgehog" in google and look in the music section. It's from the Shadow the Hedgehog game.

I would love to see you make a DBZ flash series, it would be great, i think everyone would agree with me there. I haven't found a DBZ flash that I loved yet but there are some decent ones but not like yours, far from comparing to yours.

Would you make a DBZ flash series in the future if enough fans wanted it?

Haha nah, chances are I wouldn't. My flash decisions are usually based on what I want to do rather than the fans. That's what makes them fun to make :D

Can I have Nazo's Voice clips? I'll need them for a sprite movie i'm making!

Hahaha you sly one you putting mario and luigi in there. Well great movie but i have a question, do you plan to make another one or are you going to let the sence after the credits alone? I'm dying to know. Well congrats on being one of the greatest flashes out there. One more thing, i plan on making a flash with my friend, have any drawing tips or hints? Thanks

Not to be a bother,but everytime i download the sound files, It doesn't complete well?? Sorry for this.

Hm? Did you try choosing a different download method? It gives you a selection of methods I think, if you mean the Sonic Voice files.

just saying here but super shadow can be called silver shadow because of the way he looks in sonic adventure 2 im just saying and did you forget about action replays? whic is pretty cheap to get an awesome score in sa2 by using another character ahaha and i favorited part 3 cause of the immense action

thats it

Secret ending? o.o

Or, is that just Eggman at the end of the credits?

for your question:What in the world gave you the idea of "hyper shadow"?, we think it, because it seems like Hyper Sonic, so we call it like that.

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